Arifah EP1000

Arifah EP1000

Digital Fab & Prototyping Fundamentals

Arifah EP1000 Arifah EP1000

Web Development

To create a webpage, one must have a basic understanding on HTML. And additionally CSS and Javacript. These programs can be written down on a text editor.

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the standard language for all websites. It is mainly used to insert the content and stucture of a website.

Jake Wright’s HTML youtube videos titled Learn HTML in 12 Minutes and Learn More HTML in 12 Minutes offers a clear basic explaination of HTML elements and attributes.

Some common tags in HTML

This is my first webpage created.

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen. It specify the layout makes the design of the webpage visually more pleasing.

Take a look at CSS Zen Garden for more stylesheets.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is used to program the behaviour of web pages. For now I’m not using JavaScript to create my webpage.


Markdown is the language that im using to edit this webpage. It’s plain-text-formatting-syntext design attracted me to use it. It is simple and easy to format words and elements.

Markdown Guide is the best place to get started in learning Markdown.